
- 没有带薪家庭和病假
- 富裕国家中孕产妇死亡率最高的国家之一


do nothing till you hear from me 太好听了吧

I enjoy seeing people migrate here thinking they need to be a big deal, and realizing it's more fun not to be a deal at all.

Friends are more fun than followers, interaction is more fun than traction. It's a freeing mindset.

The hardest transition for many people moving to Mastodon is putting down the bullhorn and pulling a chair up at the table.

Talking at and talking to are very different exercises. It can feel a little weird at first, but so worth it to make the change.

I don’t know that we ever really conversed on other platforms, even we we thought we were. The difference may seem subtle at first glance, but it’s not.



雾海是一个开放且不限制讨论主题的非营利性中文社区,名字来源于德国浪漫主义画家 Friedrich 的画作《雾海上的旅人》。生活总是在雾海中吞吐不定,不管怎么艰辛,他还是站在了这里!希望大家在这里玩的开心~