#长毛象安利大会 #语言学习
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If you have a WordPress-powered blog, you can turn it into a Fediverse server and people will be able to follow the blog from Mastodon etc.
More info on how to do this here:
➡️ https://fedi.tips/wordpress-turning-your-blog-into-a-fediverse-server/
This works through the AcitvityPub for WordPress plug-in, which has just been updated to version 1.0.0:
➡️ https://wordpress.org/plugins/activitypub/
The plug-in is by @pfefferle in association with #Automattic, one of the major players behind WordPress itself.
The hardest transition for many people moving to Mastodon is putting down the bullhorn and pulling a chair up at the table.
Talking at and talking to are very different exercises. It can feel a little weird at first, but so worth it to make the change.
I don’t know that we ever really conversed on other platforms, even we we thought we were. The difference may seem subtle at first glance, but it’s not.
Payne's Gray