@Sleepypyla 鹅鹅我啊,学了一首歌,Harry Nilsson 的 High Heel Sneakers / Rescue Boy Medley
There's youth in Asia, baby
There's youth in the USA
There's youth all over Russia
There's youth in Japan today
Listen to the rhythms of a hot band
A band that came from New Zealand
The next thing there's Seattle bound
So they can feel Nirvana
No more, have mercy, but you
Ain't got no clothes on ya
hONK HoNk!


雾海是一个开放且不限制讨论主题的非营利性中文社区,名字来源于德国浪漫主义画家 Friedrich 的画作《雾海上的旅人》。生活总是在雾海中吞吐不定,不管怎么艰辛,他还是站在了这里!希望大家在这里玩的开心~