The first time I rode in a limo I was five. I was on the way over to my grandfather’s funeral. I suppose, in a way, I still am.

Stuart, don’t get married. Look, I’m sorry. Being in a couple is hard. And committing, making sacrifices, it’s hard. But if it’s the right person, then it’s easy. Looking at that girl and knowing she’s all you really want out of life, that should be the easiest thing in the world, and if it’s not like that, then she’s not the one. I’m sorry.

I mean, just because her life went one way and yours went another doesn’t make your life any worse.

-Have you ever had one of those days where nothing at all that monumental happens but by the end of it you have no idea who you are anymore or what the hell you’re doing with your life?
-Uh, about once a week.


Don’t forget to give yourself plenty of positive reinforcement.
This is gonna be your best run yet. You’re going to accomplish all of your goals. You are a robot sent from the future to win the marathon.


雾海是一个开放且不限制讨论主题的非营利性中文社区,名字来源于德国浪漫主义画家 Friedrich 的画作《雾海上的旅人》。生活总是在雾海中吞吐不定,不管怎么艰辛,他还是站在了这里!希望大家在这里玩的开心~