



Disorganised attachment:

Children who have developed this style have been exposed to prolonged abuse and/or neglect. Primary caregivers are the people children must turn to as a source of comfort and support. In a situation involving abuse, these primary caregivers are also a source of hurt; this creates enormous inner conflicts in the child, causing them to have to use mechanisms like splitting and dissociation to cope. If you have been abused in this way, you may grow up to become someone who fears intimacy within relationships but also fear the loneliness of not having close relationships. If your attachment style is disorganised, you may relate to others in a chaotic, unpredictable way, or even perpetuate a vicious abusive cycle. The symptoms you exhibit is primarily related to Complex PTSD. Complex PTSD is caused by ‘cumulative developmental trauma’ (CDT), also known as early relational trauma (Isobel et al., 2017). It happens when you were trapped in a situation where traumatic events repeatedly happened, cumulatively, over a period of time in which you had no route to escape (Sar, 2011).

Many of the symptoms of Complex PTSD overlap with BPD; With Complex PTSD, You may also have symptoms along the ‘”traumatic-dissociative” dimension (TDD)’ (Farina, Liotti and Imperatori 2019). For example, you may experience a ‘loss of continuity with your experience, unexplained memory loss, or randomly ‘losing time’. You may have depersonalisation— feeling disconnected with your own body, or derealisation— a sudden sense of disconnection with the world, like you are ‘floating above’ it. You may also experience identity confusion, and even occasionally lose control of your body.




——其实有极大的可能性是*未被确诊的复杂性创伤后应激反应障碍C-PTSD*和*高功、“安静的”边缘性人格障碍*(Quiet/High-functioning BPD)。



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雾海是一个开放且不限制讨论主题的非营利性中文社区,名字来源于德国浪漫主义画家 Friedrich 的画作《雾海上的旅人》。生活总是在雾海中吞吐不定,不管怎么艰辛,他还是站在了这里!希望大家在这里玩的开心~