之前合作过的本科教授这周从外地来访住我家 为了答谢送了我一个她从智利带来的礼物 是一只小小的三条腿的陶瓷猪 她说:我有一个故事要讲 故事是这样的: 很久很久以前 有一只三条腿的猪 一出生就遭到嫌弃 因为它有生理缺陷 长得太奇怪 连屠夫都不要 逃过一劫又一劫 一对农场主决定收养它 没想到它为了报恩 给农场主找到了很多金子 (有点竹取物语之类的意味)所以在智利三条腿的小猪是一个好运的象征 但好运不能自己买 要别人送 她想要把好运送给我(我真的好需要!)所以送我这个小小的手工做的独一无二的三条腿小猪 她继续说: you know, sometimes being the odd one can save your life. because you’re unusable (as opposed to being “useless”), you get to be who you are and live the life you wanna live. you are an odd one and i am too. and that’s ok! i find belongingness in “not fitting in”. 😭🫡💖
Male American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) displaying at the Marine Nature Study Area in Oceanside, NY. The bird seemed to be foraging, but combined this with a zig-zag stroll, fanning out its tail and prancing some 20 meters up a woodland trail all the way to my feet!
Update: I was informed by an ornithologist colleague that they do this to flush their insect prey.
In any case, he approached me with little concern, allowing me to take dozens of pictures. Unfortunately, few were as sharp as one would like, as my autofocus insisted on zeroing in on the warbler's tail, combined with a dark environment.
#warbler #songbird