@hsvero 好!就衝這句問好我也一定得忝居一下
“I know where an elephant died far up Kilimanjaro. What made this elephant leave its herd and climb almost 15,000 feet up? And it is not only this elephant, I have seen the remains of antelope, and a leopard, that climbed all the way to the ice on the crater rim. Why would such animals climb so high? What were they looking for?”
@hsvero 一定會有的!或許就在近期!
@hsvero 您是姬崽了!
@n0tm00n 被這個邏輯鏈驚愕住了!
@TCMZ 「知其雄,守其雌,為天下谿。為天下谿,常德不離,復歸於嬰兒。」想起尼采論精神三變,最後一變即是變為嬰孩。「雌」是「柔順」的強力,絕非「卑弱」,「雌」孕育無限,「雌」注定創造!
@inklingsdaily 我的天!我今晚正在看《側耳傾聽》,就刷見了象友這條!很喜歡月島,她對待世界莊嚴肅穆認真,愛貓愛書愛音樂愛另一個世界且行走如風!唯有自信自愛通向真愛之路,因為愛從不是索取與付出——那是生意人做的事。愛是彼此餽贈的激情。
@TCMZ 不建議改,這種餘孽感混雜飄柔廣告後產生的異國酷兒王子氣息過於浪漫霸道!
@TCMZ 讓概念回歸毛象!
@TCMZ 什麼?我以後的外賣名要從金敏喜改成短髮張鐵林了嗎?